File_artist_id = identifying column in data file for our customer user (not necessarily available)
Import_log_file = match by specific file which was uploaded
If file is over 100mb, talk to Corey to upload directly
Step 1. Select Template
Step 2. Review template columns
File Artist ID
Sale Date
Posted Date
Net Amount
Step 3. Upload file(s)
Note: refresh the page if you change the headers in the file and try to validate
No file chosen
File list
Headers are correct
File checks
Validate files before proceeding
Import File to Storage
not needed... can store locally
Step 4. Import data to database
If all the data is for the same artist and the user has made an account, link them now. If not, you can do it later.
Step 5. Link data to users
If the artist hasn't made a user account yet, we can skip this step.
Record the import log id below if using that to tie data
Import log id: 0
Link data to users